Every year, October 16th is World Food Day, an anniversary desired by FAO and which falls on the day in which the world organization, which has its headquarters in Rome, was founded in 1945.

Every year, October 16th is World Food Day , an anniversary desired by FAO and which falls on the very day in which the world organization, which has its headquarters in Rome, was founded in 1945.
This day is very important to make some reflections related to the world of food and nutrition.
14% of the world's food is lost due to errors in harvesting, storage and transportation; 16% of food is wasted along the supply chain by retailers, distribution chains and at home.
30% of the food produced does not reach the table ; this is one of the most alarming facts to reflect on.
"30% of the food produced does not reach the table"
October 16th is a date to also reflect on the role of nutrition in our lives, here are some tips for daily nutrition:
- 5 MEALS: try to eat throughout the day with 3 main meals and 2 snacks without ever skipping a meal; splitting meals facilitates digestion and speeds up assimilation times.
- WATER: drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
- FRUIT AND VEGETABLES: Consuming fruit and vegetables before meals helps meet the need for vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements, which are essential for athletes.
- WHOLE CEREALS: avoid refined cereals which are devoid of vitamins and dietary fibre; choose whole grains.
- VARY: alternate the various foods of the Mediterranean diet at the table, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, limit the use of meat , limit the use of salt and pay attention to low-quality fats.
-FRESH: choose fresh products when possible rather than preserved or frozen products .
- CHEW AND EAT WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY: it seems trivial to repeat it but chewing is very important and fundamental for the correct assimilation of food; digestion can be much slower if chewing is not done well; indulge your hunger because the feeling of hunger is an indicator of our body's needs .